

The thing I like best about Coach John Moore is his ability to listen and point me in the right direction.  There has not been time that I have reached out to him, and he has not been able to give me direction.  He knows how to explain whatever I need to discuss in more than one way to ensure that I understand what was being communicated.

[ Aleta]

John has assisted me in navigating thru life and it's challenges. His techniques have been extremely impactful and intentional. The spiritual side of his coaching has shown me how important it is to have a relationship with our Lord and Savior. 

[ Crystal]

I never thought at 66 years old that I would find myself trying to re-enter the work force, but there I was. Going on interview’s with people half my age and younger, feeling intimidated and way too old. John, you assured me that the only person that I was in competition with was me. You reminded me of who I am and what I have to offer. You spoke of my wisdom, courage, intelligence, experience etc.  That encouraged me to go forward and walk through the door that God had already opened for me.

John, thank you so very much for all you’ve done to help me to navigate through these trying  times.

[ Pam]

I remember me telling John about when we first met a gentleman I had been dating and saying that when he first expressed interest in me, I was surprised because he was so attractive and there were so many women there when we met who I thought were prettier and dressed nicer than me.  John said why is it that so often we don't think we're worthy of having the best. I had to stop and think about it. He went on about how we don't have to settle for anything and that we should go after and expect the best in life. It wasn't that I didn't already know this but when it was said it definitely hit me differently. So often it's not about what someone says but how they say it. I knew John had a gift and an anointing on his life to uplift and inspire people. 

[ Allison ]

A weight is always lifted because by end of our call I have a new perspective on the situation at hand, and John heals my soul with his prayers. .(if that's not what you want you write it and add my name). Not sure if you wanted to add a picture  

[ Jerris}

"I came to my life coach with a lot of doubt and uncertainty. He helped me to break down my goals into manageable steps, and to keep me focused on what mattered. With his help, I was able to achieve the goals I had set for myself and I'm feeling much more confident and empowered as a result." 

[ Joan]

"John was a great source of support and guidance in a time of transition. He helped me to identify what was important to me, to stay focused on my goals, and to make the necessary changes to reach them. I am now more in tune with my needs and better equipped to make decisions that support my overall wellbeing." 

[ Johnnie}

"My life coach was instrumental in helping me to overcome my fear of failure. He pushed me to step out of my comfort zone and to take risks, and provided me with the tools and strategies I needed to become more confident and successful. I am now much better equipped to handle whatever comes my way." 

[ Betty}

John gave me the clarity and courage to pursue my dreams. She helped me to identify my strengths and weaknesses, and provided me with the support and guidance I needed to move forward. I am now feeling more confident 

[ Lisa}

"Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better." 

"I love to see a young girl go out and grab the world by the lapels. Life’s a bitch. You've got to go out and kick ass.” 

“‎The desire to reach the stars is ambitious. The desire to reach hearts is wise and most possible.” 

Maya Angelou

"It's time to change the narrative, so let's add a few more chapters. "

John Moore